Child Protection Policy

At Coughlan Web child protection and ensuring their welfare permeates all aspects of our policies, practices and activities.

We are fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all children & young people with whom we interact and to the implementation of policies and practices that protect children from harm.

In our policies, practices and activities at Coughlan Web we adhere to the following principles of best practice in child protection and welfare:

  • recognise that the protection and welfare of children is of paramount importance; regardless of all other considerations;

  • fully co-operate with the relevant statutory authorities in relation to child protection and welfare matters

  • adopt safe practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and protect workers from the necessity to take unnecessary risks that may leave themselves open to accusations of abuse or neglect;

  • develop a practice of openness with parents and encourage parental involvement in the education of their children;

  • fully respect confidentiality requirements in dealing with child protection matters.

We have ensured that the necessary policies, protocols or practices as appropriate are in place in respect of each of the above listed items.

Coughlan Web does not accept the following behaviours and will intervene to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all children:

  •  Bullying.

  • Violence.

  • Sarcasm, name-calling, ‘Slagging’, and other forms of scapegoating.

  • Favouring some to the exclusion of others.

  •  Abusive language or gestures.

  • Negative criticism of young people’s values, beliefs and opinions.

  • Negatively highlighting physical, social or emotional differences.

18th September 2023